
EKC 2014 학회 발표 내용 2014-08-18 17:34:12 2426
지난 2014년 7월 23일부터 25일까지 오스트리아 비엔나에서 개최된 EKC 2014 학회에 우리젠의 발표가 있었습니다. [ EKC 2014 ] (EKC: Europe-Korea Conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship) ○ 일시 : 2014. 7. 23(수) ~ 25(금) ○ 장소 : 오스트리아 비엔나 ○ 참석 : 650여명(한국참가자 및 유럽 현지참가자) ○ 주최 : 한국과학기술단체총연합회, 유럽 4개국 과협(독일, 영국, 프랑스, 오스트리아) 공동 주최 ※ ’08년 독일 시작으로 7회 순환개최(’09년 영국, ’10년 오스트리아, ’11년 프랑스, ’12년 독일, ’13년 영국, ’14년 오스트리아) ○ 주제 : The role of Science and Technology for good of humanit [EKC2014 학회 발표내용] ○ Development of Integrated Assessment and Diagnosing System for the Improvement of Building Energy Performance - Young Kyun SON, Woorizen Co., Korea Abstract - There is not much adequate infrastructure necessary for establishing Building Energy Management System for existing small and medium size buildings. Therefore, These small and medium sized buildings needs building energy evaluation system that can inspect and evaluate energy efficiency of the buildings with low cost. The followings are details of the research. 1. Develop materialized solution for building energy efficiency inspection & evaluation and analytic information (Web, Smart device app) Develop technology using web based building energy evaluation system and technology for checking real-time energy consumption using smart-devices. 2. Profiling & Stochastic Technology for Energy Analysis Develop smart inspection logic with profiling of standard energy consumption in different types of buildings and stochastic analysis of building energy model connected with analytical model 3. Energy analytical model-based simulation technology according to Passive/Active elements Develop simulation tool that maximizes improvements in energy efficiency by modelling passive/active elements in a target building. 4. Smart metering for low cost establishment of infrastructure. Develop communication network technology for PLC(Power Line Communication) based energy metering 5. Standardization of building energy evaluation & inspection methods -Develop information model in regards to production/consumption of building energy -Develop standard method in regards to evaluation/inspection of building energy consumption.